Our kind market neighbour looked after us, being a professional stall holder for 30 years! She helped tie down everything that could be tied down, so if they were going to go, so was the car!

I had a couple of visitors from blogland, and a couple of local friends, so it was a wonderful day!
So what I dont understand, is after packing the car, it was as full as we had started out!! Why is that?? I know what you are probably thinking, but no, I didnt buy anything, I was so good!!
So now it's back to ebay...keep watching!!
Here are a couple of new additions....

New quote for the day from 'dont sweat the small stuff'...
"If someone throws you the ball, you dont have to catch it".

Meaning, you dont have to keep giving all the time.You dont always have to be the shoulder to cry on, and carry everyone else's baggage, and you dont have to say yes all the time...something to think about!
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