Follow my highs and lows of a small business, working with junk, repurposing, and creating original treasures!
Im a Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Junk Artist, Collector, and Daydreamer!
My studio is filled with many old and new, shabby and chic, antique and vintage, one-of-a-kind items....
My life, and my home are much the same, 'cluttered and fabulous'!
Come and Browse....


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!

Australia day, with its own weekend, seems to always bring good weather, and of course , all the patriotic items you can think of!!!

I do love Australia day. So many of us are proud and celebrate it with a passion,lots of life and energy!

But it is also a special day for my mum...she turned '70' on Australia Day, and so there was nonstop celebrations, it was wonderful to see her so happy! We organised her a party, and invited friends both mum and dad have known for 50 years!
Mum is second on the left...
Next month will be just as exciting for both of my parents, as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a holiday!

They really are my mentors especially when it comes to friendships, they have shown me how important it is to keep and treasure those closest to you. I was saying to my children, how 'cool' it is to be able to say you have "lifelong" friends. It truly is amazing, and Im so happy to have been fortunate enough to have a few close friends from my childhood to lean on, laugh and cry with. I hope my children can share such wonderful lifelong friendships as we have...
As far as ebay goes, times are a bit slow, maybe once school goes back, and my girls find work, I maybe able to concentrate!
Well, I went out junkin' today for the first time in a couple of months! Thank god, I was getting worried with all these weird dreams Ive been having, I have found the most fantastic things, only to find I wake up, and so I thought I better do something about neighbour saved me from withdrawals! I had a great morning, found a few specials, and so the painting and fixing begins!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 70th Birthday to your Mum.
    Wow 50 Years of marriage how wonderful. Congratulations to them both.


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