In most cases, I think those words apply, but for my parents, selling their home after 17yrs, wasnt a decision they were eager to make.
With my dad's health deteriorating at the age of 80,and in a wheelchair, it was best to move to a property with less maintenance for mum to take care of.
It was a big move, as they both have their hobbies, and they love to entertain, so there were multiple appliances, an abundance of casserole dishes, wine glasses, and enough plates and cups to serve up Christmas in the Town Hall.
The move didnt go smoothly due to the garage overflowing, but they are in there new home now with their dog Daisey, and adjusting to the smaller gardens, and a modern styled home.
It got me thinking, as I loaded my car for the third time, and followed two trucks to their new residence, how sad I am for them to be leaving their home, with their lovely gardens mum worked so hard in every weekend. Dad maintained the house for many years, and the fond memories of Christmases, Easters, and family gatherings. Our kids have grown up visiting their home that once was.
Saying goodbye to their home and garden
As hard as it is for me, this change must be so much harder on them. As they get older, routine is important, as much as familiarity. Having to adjust to a new area, new neighbours, and new shops, banks, even garbage night, its huge.
And then there's the stuff...the stuff that accumulates, and the stuff they wont let go of.
I helped mum halve her craft collection, and she gave alot of stuff to charity. Dad gave away some tools, but still kept the majority of them. He loved his woodwork, and has tools from years and years ago.The books they have read, and many still waiting to be read.The old videos dad recorded everything, and I mean everything he possibly could. The porcelain doll collection mum spent many long hours making.....
I guess it makes them who they are today and if they want to hang onto it all, who am I to tell them otherwise?
Am I going to be like this when or if Im their age? Well Im pretty sure it is in the genes, and I already struggle with letting go!
As our girls live out of home, we too are dealing with changes, and for the first time, are celebrating our little family Christmas early, due to one of them working Xmas Day. So along with our son,the five of us will be opening presents on Saturday night, eating lots of prawns, baked ham and veges, salads and desserts, and lots of champagne!
Christmas for my extended family, is just that, about family reuniting. We have a huge Chrissy lunch on Xmas Day, we eat, we drink, we bag each other out, and we laugh and take lots of photos to share, and cross off another year!
Then do it again on Boxing Day with hubby's family....thats just the way it is!
Then...we roll home!
I believe changes are a natural part of life, and we are lucky enough to have each other, and support one another.
So, with all that life brings us, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a Wonderful New Year, with new challenges, new changes, and a whole lot of wishes for good health and happiness.
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