I am consumed with mulberries , they are everywhere, on the car, on my verandah, in my lawn, and in my tummy!We love them ,most of all Toby(my dog), who I might add is slowly but surely looking a bit brighter. Everyday, I find more and more huge ones dangling from the tree, and Toby just sits and waits for me to feed him! Unfortunately they stain everything too!
So I had no choice but to make a pie, and surprise! surprise! It was yummy! The last one I made, thought Id add apple as well, and didnt like the idea of adding all that sugar, but apparently you need it! Not good!
I have been quite busy lately, painting, fixing, and cleaning more things to list on ebay. I have the same problem alot of you have ,so many ideas, and not enough time! Here are just a few...

I havent been out fossicking for a while either, it depresses me, especially when I see all the wonderful things my good friend Jenni finds! So I am working my way through my verandah, I can see the light...

One of the things I found was this gorgeous book, dated 1921.It looks well read, and interesting how the pictures were pasted in...it has some great pictures and illustrations. I might have to keep this one!

Now , here is something for you all to ponder over...
I like recycling and reusing as much as the next person. But when I accidently gave birthday gifts to 'my good friend Jenni', one of them was inscribed with,'To dear Sue....' ! After the initial shock of what I had done, we burst out in laughter! She said she will return it to me next birthday! Has anyone else done something like that?? What is even funnier is that I havent read the book, dont even remember getting it though it did seem familiar, and had it stored with some xmas presents to give, so funny! Jen, if you are reading this, Im so sorry!

Well, gotta get ready, I have a date with hubby, he's away so much I have to book him in!
Hi, I'm Dani (the one who's buying the shepards crook armchair off ebay) I just wanted to check out your blog and say Hi.
ReplyDeleteI have two black labs and the oldest is named... Toby. I also have 2 huge mulberry trees and made jam from scratch for the very first time! Mulberry stains get everywhere! You're blog is pretty cool and I thought I'd share mine with you... www.danielleandsteve.blogspot.com
I update regularly with about 2-4 posts a day about random things. At the moment its all about painting old furniture white!!! You should enjoy that :D Would love any tips you have to share.
Oh and I might drop by the shop tomorrow as I have to go by Penrith... I hope you enjoyed your date with hubby!
Dani ox
hehehe oops, do you have a store or is it just from home and ebaying? Sorry, just assumed.
ReplyDeleteOK Sue, I do forgive you!! Rather embarassing for both of us...but also very funny!! Need to keep working on our shabby van!! Cant wait to see finished product. Speak soon. Jen