Follow my highs and lows of a small business, working with junk, repurposing, and creating original treasures!
Im a Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Junk Artist, Collector, and Daydreamer!
My studio is filled with many old and new, shabby and chic, antique and vintage, one-of-a-kind items....
My life, and my home are much the same, 'cluttered and fabulous'!
Come and Browse....


You're saving me money!!

All of you, Im talking about!!

If you didnt know already, I am somewhat of a hoarder, I mean collector! In particular, magazines! I have shown you some photos, but really it is a huge collection, too big!

I met a lovely lady this morning, a customer picking up something she bought off ebay, and we were chatting about our hobbies. I mentioned my blog, explaining it was a great way to have therapy, and it's free. I have my 'fix', browsing through people's houses, shops, and gorgeous photos, without spending a fortune on magazines! Sure, there are still a few I like to buy, but all of you talented, and house proud bloggers out there are supporting my 'habit', and saving me money at the same time, so thankyou.


  1. Well, I'm glad someone is saving money, sure isn't me. Love your pretty banner Sues. Did you do that, you clever thing?
    Hugs, Coll :-}

  2. Hmmm, WD40 eh. thanks Sue, I'll remember that, I'm sure some of them will be back, rotten buggers. Your poor Mum.
    Hugs, Coll :-}

  3. I feel the same, I don't buy magazines nearly as much anymore. None of it is half as good as what I see on the blogs.

  4. well i actually never thought of it that way but by geez you may be onto something here! LOL.
    I never buy magazines anyway but now i really dont have to! HA HA.



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