Well as usual, Ive had some distractions along the way, and my daughter has worked all weekend, so Im not getting as far as I would have liked...but here is a glimpse of her new room.

The colours are more turquoise, but the lighting isnt too good in there at the moment.Only one light and one powerpoint work, the possums chewed through the wiring a while ago, another thing on the list to fix! Extension leads will be hanging around for a bit. So more photos to come soon....

Speaking of possums, do they breed like rabbits or what?? I guess this is what happens when you have a kind heart towards animals (Im kind to people too, occasionally), and they take advantage of your hospitality! This cheeky one climbed along the wall, then dived in for cover between all my junk! My son and I already dragged him/her out, found inside a piece of rolled foam! I thought it felt a bit heavy when I lifted it, and looked in, and two huge eyes stared back at me. So it jumped out, then climbed the wall, and went back in under the eaves......so that is my current job at the moment, sealing the eaves!!

A woman's work is never done!
Ahhh, that reminds me of my other bible(apart from my garage sale bible), my book,'Dont sweat the small stuff'. One of the chapters is titled,
'Remind yourself that when you die, your 'inbox' wont be empty'!
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