It was like no other....action-packed, and we were in for a funfilled day!
It was a great day, I was overwhelmed with so many wanting to help! Some friends and family came,20 of them, including 6 kids who all pitched in! We cut trees, put up bamboo fencing, weeded, ate, hung 'decorations',ate, fixed a roof, paved a path....the list was long, but just about everything was achieved! What can I say, it took many years to get this far behind,but now Im up to speed! Im speechless, I have such a great support team out there, thankyou.
Of course ,I forgot to take photos,well I was busy working, so you'll just have to visualize...

They planted some colour down near my studio, so pretty. I couldnt help add my new creations to the garden. How cute are these!! Birdhouses galore!! I'll be adding them to my studio shortly.

With 5 weeks to go till my big sale, no time to rest, I have painting, pricing, displaying, printing leaflets and cards, and creating to do!
Hopefully my website will be operating properly by then too.
Keep watching.....

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