Well a couple of days away wasnt enough time, but it helped clear the mind,(a bit), and catch up with my parents. My father should be home from hospital tonite, if not tomorrow, and is starting to feel a bit better, though a long road ahead I guess...

They live near the beach, and I live in the mountains, so ten mins after leaving mum, I cant help but pull into a parking spot and stop and walk in the sand, and just take in the moment! I love taking photos of the water and rocks, it's like taking time to smell the roses,except it's breathing in the salty sea air, and clearing the mind of all those little things nagging in your head! I even had time to run into a junk shop just up the road from the beach....and I bought a couple of things,of course!

Im still without a voice, unless I yell, but it gives the kids something to amuse themselves with! So today, Im a bit slow off the mark, but hope to be full -swing into it tomorrow! Ive decided what I cant finish, can always be ready for next sale, and I can still put them on my website between sales....Yeh, I keep telling myself that, but the disappointment keeps raring its head!I need to get better, or I wont be able to have a sale at all!!
Ive listed a couple of things on ebay for tonite, so do go and check them out, and have a great day!
Get well sue,im still out for the count.Hope your dad is better.Everything is looking nice good luck with the opening.