Follow my highs and lows of a small business, working with junk, repurposing, and creating original treasures!
Im a Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Junk Artist, Collector, and Daydreamer!
My studio is filled with many old and new, shabby and chic, antique and vintage, one-of-a-kind items....
My life, and my home are much the same, 'cluttered and fabulous'!
Come and Browse....


Places to go, people to see....

Apparently Christmas is approaching, Im still in denial!! I havent ventured into any big stores for quite a while, avoiding being bombarded with Christmas decorations and music! It's the pressure to buy now, and beat the crowds later! This is coming from a customer's point of view....

From a seller's point of view, my head is spinning with ideas for gifts! Mind you, it should have been spinning months ago, but Ive been pretty occupied with other things!

Sue really didnt want this photo, but I couldnt resist, look at all the Christmas things, and it is the 12th October!

Well I'm on track now, and busy putting things together, so stay tuned, the end of next week all will be revealed...well hopefully!

Last weekend, I visited Berry markets, they were great as always, and I was so good, only spent $4.oo! I know, what the??? But I made up for it in one of the many gorgeous shops(I took my camera, but was too busy shopping to snap photos). This particular shop is always so busy, there is a constant line you follow all the way round to the cash registers! I did find this cloche, $4.95!
Luckily there were 3 left, so my friend Sue and her mum bought one! We all wondered what each of us would do with them, so this is mine....I had this stand, and just filled it with some things which have meaning to me, well in the kitchen! I think I would need a much bigger one to fit the rest of my special things in! All in all, a lovely weekend, and caught up with mum and dad on the way home.
This weekend, Leura had their Spring Festival. My eldest daughter works in a cafe up there and they were flat-chat! Plenty of stalls, including Kara's, who I had the pleasure of meeting in person. Gorgeous bags, please take a look at her blog!

These Crabapple trees lined the streets , absolutely gorgeous, and smelled devine!

Isnt this cute bunting!!!

We also visited some of the local shops, and they had some great displays...

After leaving there, we couldnt pass this gorgeous plant nursery heading back down the mountains.They had a huge barn filled with lots of different things. Sue and I left without a plant, but Im sure we will be back!

Another funfilled weekend, and the weather was glorious!
Hope yours was just as wonderful!!!
** My next post will feature a new "gorgeous " shop to the neighbourhood, come back and visit soon....


  1. Those markets look amazing! Wish we had something like that around here.... No one has any creativity or imagination out here in wagga!

  2. It is coming,christmas i mean,very very jealous of that cloche cant believe the price.

  3. Thanks so much for posting on my blog--I am glad I found you and added you to my blog roll. Yes snow! Fall will return though, but some of the trees have had it. The picture of the crab apple blossoms is beautiful!

  4. Love your Blog!! Love the Cloche, what a great idea!! I will be back often!!


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