Follow my highs and lows of a small business, working with junk, repurposing, and creating original treasures!
Im a Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Junk Artist, Collector, and Daydreamer!
My studio is filled with many old and new, shabby and chic, antique and vintage, one-of-a-kind items....
My life, and my home are much the same, 'cluttered and fabulous'!
Come and Browse....


Xmas...done!! New Years...almost!!!

Ok, so I missed sending you all Christmas wishes, I'll save them for next Chrissy!

I thought I better get in before the year is out, and ponder on 'the year that was' with you...

So much happened this year, good and not so good, big and small, and also

some wonderful memories to treasure!

And here we are ,2009 here at last! I have given up making NY's resolutions, it is too much pressure to put on myself, and they are usually unrealistic. So I tend to make little promises along the way like regular checkups with the Dr, and dentist, pickup the phone to talk to friends and family more (less texting and emails).Family, friends, and health take priority for sure, but I think this year could be my year in so many ways!

So here is to all of you and your resolutions and promises for a prosperous New Year!CHEERS!

2008 was a special year to me...Without naming all of them, a few things which stand out are;

*"Junkstudio on Karabah" finally got off the ground (after many years procrastinating)!

*My eldest daughter bought her plane ticket to Africa (after two years procrastinating)!

*My father pulled through major surgery, and is making a slow recovery.

We can all look to this next year as a new beginning, full of wonderful creations and junk to inspire us!!







  1. Hi, What a face on Toby, I just want to give him a big hug. Sooo Cute.. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a wonderful year you had and I am sure the next one will be filled with many happy moments too.

    Jill xoo

  3. Hi Sue how can it be January already and i never even caught up with you for Christmas.I will call you soon and we will get together


Thankyou for visiting, I always love a comment, so dont be shy!