Follow my highs and lows of a small business, working with junk, repurposing, and creating original treasures!
Im a Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Junk Artist, Collector, and Daydreamer!
My studio is filled with many old and new, shabby and chic, antique and vintage, one-of-a-kind items....
My life, and my home are much the same, 'cluttered and fabulous'!
Come and Browse....


What makes me smile elation!

I knew it would happen one day....
I knew if I waited long enough, was patient enough, and sat back and observed from would happen...

My son, (the appentice carpenter) came to me last night, after checking out my last display case I had finished.

I was ready for the smart comments he usually makes, like, "What is this for? What are you doing with it, why have you got that junk in it"?
But to my surprise, as I looked over at him checking it out, he turned to me and said, "What are you doing with those rulers, they're heaps mad, and really old...You're not cutting them all up are you? Why did you cut that one , someone who collects them would pay good money!" He proceeded to tell me, a guy he works with occasionally has one which is about 80 years old.

I didnt realize the impact of his questions until I went to bed last night...

I told him the one ruler I did cut (on the roof), had a big split in it, but the others I will keep. I know my dad has one that would be about 80 years old also, I remember playing with it when I was young, I loved it, and used it to make lots of things ,hanging out in the garage all the time with him...fond memories....

Anyway, back to the impact my son made.
 His true colours shone last night, the signs have been coming gradually over the years, and although he is in denial still, he is following his mothers footsteps!
 He has an appreciation of the old stuff!
 He didnt get the 'display thing' , but thats ok, I can accept that, for now!


  1. I love your display ,I know what you mean about boys following in mum's footsteps too,I have three boys and it's a competition who scores the best finds!

  2. Oh how wonderful.I hope one day that my grandkids will love old things.Seems it has missed a genertaion so far.(too much of their dad in them perhaps? lol) anyway I love your box and id love to be good enough to make them too.I bet your son will be a great caprpenter lucky you those hints never worked on my boys.

  3. I love the display cabinet, what a fab idea! Thanks for visiting, I really should blog more often!

  4. Hi Sue, I just love that display cabinet. Thanks for visiting, I really should blog more often! xx

  5. Yayyyyyy Sue....Slow & steady wins the race hey.... :o) !!!!!

    I have a soft spot or the old rulers too....I've seen them made into jewellery & they look BRILLIANT though in their original form, they are WAY COOL too....!!

    Your display cabinet's a RIPPER....I would LOVE one of these....!!

    Tamarah :o)


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